Serving our Community

Number, Tenure, and Qualifications

The number of directors shall not be less than seven (7) and not more than fifteen (15); all of who shall be members in good standing with the organization. One-third shall be assigned to one-year terms; one-third to two-year terms; and one-third will be elected annually. Prior to annual board elections, the Board may fill any vacancy, including those caused by death, resignation, or inability to function, as determined by the Board.

Director Representation

No more than one-third of the composition of the Board of Directors shall be public officials including any individual who is an elected or appointed member of any governmental entity; any individual employed by a governmental entity on a full or part time basis; or any individual who has been appointed to the board of directors by a governmental entity even if that person is not otherwise a public official.

The Board of Directors should be representative of communities within the Rural Preservation Program service area of the Snow Belt Housing Company, Inc; Lewis County.

A minimum of one-third of the composition of the Board of Directors will be representatives of a low-income community/neighborhood or low-income resident(s) of a community/neighborhood defined by HUD Section 8 definition. An income certification form will be required for a low income resident or representative of a non-low-income community/neighborhood. Some examples of low income communities located in Lewis County are, as follows: Port Leyden, Osceola, Lyonsdale, Denmark.


Board meetings will be regularly scheduled on the third Thursday of every month for approximately 1 hour.


Any director or officer having an interest in a contract or other transaction presented to the Board or a committee of the Board for authorization, approval or ratification, shall make a prompt and full disclosure of that interest prior to the Board or committee acting on such contract or transaction. The Board of Directors shall require at least annually the written disclosure of each director and officer of any interest he has or may have which is or reasonably might be construed to be in conflict with the best interests of the Corporation.


Harassment of any kind is neither productive nor appropriate to the workplace and will not be tolerated at Snow Belt Housing Company, Inc. Any individual who is subject to verbally abusive language relating to gender, race, religion, or age, or who experiences sexually oriented physical touching, suggestive language, or other actions which create a hostile environment at work is encouraged to report such activity to the President immediately.   

Dennis Mastascusa: Chairman, elected to the board in 2004
Owner of North Search, Inc. dba National Abstract

Nancy Fruin – Treasurer, elected to the board in 2009
Retired from Community Bank

Michael Young- Director, elected to the board in 1982

Jeanne Wooding – Director, elected to the board in 2009
Owner of Lyons Falls Bakery, LLC

Leah Murphy – Director, elected to the board in 2022
Paramedic- USA MEDDAC

Linda Nortz – Director, elected to the board in 2018
Retired from DSS

Joe Monnat – Director, elected to the board in 2022
Retired- Community Bank

Andrea Wheeler – Director, elected to the board in 2022
Real Estate Agent


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